eCommerce platform
used to Win, Manage
and Retain your
Uniform Contracts!


Our ordering portal is feature-rich.

Below you will find some annotated screenshots that make it easy to understand, but we have also created a few short videos showcasing Get WorkGear features, or you can see a full list of features here.

Bidding for a contract?

Try adding this PDF to your next proposal.

Get your team dressed, smartly.
(PDF 9,147KB)

The manager dashboard

Below is what a manager sees when they first log in to the Get WorkGear system.

Managers within the Get WorkGear platform can do a lot, but their core purpose is to order products for staff members who for any reason cannot order for themselves. A manager can order products for any staff member who is based at a branch that they manage. A single manager can manage multiple branches.

An employee ordering products

Below is an employee’s perspective when selecting a product.

Both employees and managers use roles to manage product allocations. Jonathan’s role is “Full-time Carpenter”. This means he will have the same allocation as all other people in his company that use the same role.

First select the desired product.
Then select product details such as colour, size, quantity and enhancement.

Admin area — Company

Below is the company edit screen.

This is where you will set up all the specific details and rules for a company.

Admin area — Roles

Below are the roles edit screens.

Roles are used within the system to make managing groups of employees easy. Every manager or employee will be assigned to a role. That role will then determine their product allocation. Roles allow you to distinguish between male and female, full- or part-time, or anything else that makes a distinct group of employees who need a different allocation of products.

By setting up roles you are making it easier for the manager or employee to order products via the system, as they will only see the products that have been assigned to their role and nothing else.

Roles overview:
Setting up or editing a role:

Admin area — Products

Below are the product edit screens.

Products in the Get WorkGear system can be uploaded and organised into categories. Products can be used across all companies signed up to use the uniform ordering system.

Products search and overview:
Product details:

Full feature list:

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