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Tip Of The Day: Company Set Up Options

Tips And Advice To Consider When Setting Up A Company

When setting up a Company store you can create a sub domain so your client sees their logo on the login screen, giving them confidence that they are on the right site.

Edit Branch - Employee approval

If you want to have a link from your website for all of your clients using the platform, use your store url.

Edit Branch - Employee approval

Allocation type

For Staff login stores, you need to firm up the allocation type. If in doubt, select “No limit” and manage allocations by requiring manager approval for employee orders. This is set up at the Branch level.

Edit Branch - Employee approval

Staff Rules

Staff Rules can be changed when ever you want. We find that a Company will start by only allowing the manager to order. Shortly after this, the manager sees how easy the system is to use, they’ll allow employees to order with manager approval.

To set up manager approval, go to the appropriate branch page and tick on:

“Employee orders require manage approval”.

Edit Branch - Employee approval


1. If in doubt set up your clients store with no allocation limit.
2. Create a link from your Company website using your store url.
3. Change Staff ordering Riules as your client gains confidence in the platform.

Published on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 under Tip Of The Day.

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